OpenSILEX PHIS Deployment

  1. Prerequisite
  2. OpenSILEX PHIS Installation
  3. Common errors


This document explains you how to deploy OpenSILEX PHIS on your personnal computer.
In this document, commands are for Ubuntu 16.04. However, the majority of these commands are compatible with all Debian distributions which have the package manager Aptitude.

1. Prerequisite


We strongly recommend a server or virtual machines on a compute cloud with :


MongoDB and Robo 3T


All the information needed to install MongoDB is available at

The new OpenSILEX release (v3.0) requires at least MongoDB v4.0, which could already be used for the previous release (v2.6). The following links describe how to install or upgrade MongoDB for Ubuntu and Debian systems:

You can check your current MongoDB version with:

 mongod --version

Now you have a Mongodb service.

Now MongoDB is installed.

Note 1
The path to the database can be changed in the etc/mongod.conf file.

Open the mongod.conf configuration file with any text editor, for instance with gedit: sudo gedit /etc/mongod.conf. You’ll see what is the path to the Mongo database (in my case it is /var/lib/mongodb):

# Where and how to store data.
  dbPath: /var/lib/mongodb

Set mongodb as owner of the MongoDB files, replacing <dbPath> by the path displayed after dbPath:

sudo chown -R mongodb:mongodb <dbPath>

Note 2
In /etc/mongod.conf file, you should add line: fork: true after

# how the process runs

as follows :

# how the process runs
  fork: true

This line is not an obligation, in default mode MongoDB runs as fork (i.e. as a deamon) but it is preffered to force it by fork: true to be sure.

Every time you change the mongod.conf file, you need to restart the mongod service:

sudo systemctl restart mongod

In this document, we use default folder var/lib/mongodb
To run MongoDB, use following command line:

sudo mongod --config /etc/mongod.conf
Robo 3T

Download Robo 3T at

Extract the downloaded archive (replace <version> with your version of Robot3t):

tar -xvf ~/Downloads/robo3t<version>  .tar.gz <Robo 3T repository location>

Go to Robo 3T repository location:

cd <Robo 3T repository location>

Run the installation program:

./robo3t<version>  /bin/robo3t

PostgreSQL and PostGIS

PostgreSQL and PostGIS installation
PostgreSQL Installation

In a terminal, run these commands:

 sudo apt-get update
 sudo apt-get install postgresql
 sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.5-postgis-2.2

Locate the PostgreSQL client with:

which psql
PostgreSQL configuration

The configuration files are in the etc/postgresql/9.5/main folder.
To change the port of the service, edit the postgresql.conf file:

nano /etc/postgresql/9.5/main/postgresql.conf

In the Connection and Authentication section, replace port = XXXX by port = 5432.

Then restart the service to take the changes into account:

sudo systemctl restart postgresql

Netbeans and JDK


You can check if Java Development Kit has already been installed (and with which version) from a terminal:

java -version

If JDK is already installed you can go to the next section, Netbeans.

Otherwise, download the JDK 8 sources (e.g. tar.gz archive) at

Create a JDK folder wherever you want. For example:

mkdir ~/jdk

In the created folder, extract the archive with this command:

tar -xvf ~/Downloads/jdk-X.X.X_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz ~/jdk/

Once the installation has been completed, make sure that the value of the property netbeans_jdkhome of the file ~/netbeans-X.X/etc/netbeans.conf is "/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64".


The documentation needed to install Netbeans is available at Download the full version of Netbeans at

Run the downloaded script:

sh ~/Downloads/

Follow the installation steps.

Check that the PHP and Glassfish/JEE modules are installed from the Netbeans Tools > Plugins menu.

Choose your installation folder for Netbeans (here ~/netbeans) and select the JDK installation folder (in our case ~/jdk).

You can launch Netbeans from its installation folder by executing the netbeans file (in the bin directory):



Install PHP 7.0 executing the following commands:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install php php-mbstring php-dom

Check your PHP version from a terminal:

php --version

OpenSILEX does currently not support PHP 7.2. Developments are being made to provide this compatibility.

Apache Tomcat and RDF4J

Apache Tomcat installation

To have a better control on the installation of Tomcat, install Tomcat from sources files (e.g. tar.gz archive).

You can download Tomcat9.0 archive, core distribution, at

Create an installation folder for Tomcat. We advise you to create the Tomcat folder in /home (or /home//) :

sudo mkdir /home/tomcat

Extract the archive in this folder (replace <user> by your user and <version> by the version you downloaded):

cd /home/tomcat/
tar --owner=<user> -xvzf ~/Downloads/apache-tomcat<version>.tar.gz

To be consistent with the OpenSILEX PHIS documentation, we recommand you to rename the Apache Tomcat folder so that the version does not appear :

mv apache-tomcat<version> apache-tomcat

With this procedure, Tomcat is not recognized by Ubuntu services control (systemctl or services). So you need to execute scripts which are in Tomcat bin folder (e.g: to run and to stop). You also need to change rights on files.

Apache Tomcat configuration

Tomcat configuration files are located in the /home/tomcat/apache-tomcat/conf folder.
To use Tomcat manager page you need to define an admin user.
To do that edit the tomcat-users file:

nano /home/tomcat/apache-tomcat/conf/tomcat-users.xml

and add lines:

  <role rolename="manager"/>
  <role rolename="manager-gui"/>
  <user username="tomcat-admin" password="azerty" roles="manager, manager-script, manager-gui"/>

As stated in the file tomcat-users.xml, “do not forget to remove the <!.. ..> [around the role entries]”.

To configure port, edit server.xml:

nano /home/tomcat/apache-tomcat/conf/server.xml

and replace:

<Connector port="XXXX" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
              redirectPort="8443" />


<Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
              redirectPort="8443" />

You have to allow encoded slash in /home/tomcat/apache-tomcat/conf/ If you have the line org.apache.tomcat.util.buf.UDecoder.ALLOW_ENCODED_SLASH=false, change false value by true.
If you don’t have this line, add org.apache.tomcat.util.buf.UDecoder.ALLOW_ENCODED_SLASH=true at the end of file.

Start the service:


Download archive zip file and extract it (replace <version> by the version downloaded):

unzip ~/Downloads/eclipse-rdf4j-<version> -d ~/

You can already copy .war files to the Tomcat webapps folder:

cp ~/eclipse-rdf4j-<version>/war/* /home/tomcat/apache-tomcat/webapps/


Apache Installation
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-php7.0
Apache Configuration

With this installation configuration files are in /etc/apache2 folder.
To change the port you need to edit the file port.conf:

sudo nano /etc/apache2/ports.conf

change line LISTEN XX to LISTEN 80.

Restart service apache2:

sudo systemctl restart apache2


Sometimes when installing Composer from the Ubuntu package, it does not run correctly. To avoid any problem, you should install Composer from the Composer installer file via the following command line (Curl must be already installed):

sudo curl -sS | sudo php -- --install-dir=/usr/local/bin --filename=composer

Maybe you should create a symbolic link between the new version of composer in /usr/bin or use the complete command. e.g. php /usr/local/bin/composer.

Now install the plugin that you need to use Composer:

sudo composer global require "fxp/composer-asset-plugin:^1.2.0"


Git is needed to download the OpenSILEX PHIS’s web service and web application. Git is already installed on most Linux native installations but if it is not your case, you can install it as follows:

sudo apt-get install git

Go to the Using Git section of this documentation to check how OpenSILEX developpers use Git.

Check install

Check the configuration of Apache2, Tomcat and PostgreSQL servers (nmap must be intalled, if it is not, do not install it because it is only used for checking ports.):

sudo systemctl start apache2
sudo systemctl start postgresql

The answer should be:

80/tcp   open  http
5432/tcp open  postgresql
8080/tcp open  http-proxy

For information:

They are the three services that you need so if the previous command’s result is correct, you can continue to the next section Prerequisite Files.

Otherwise you have two options:

If you didn’t install the programs exactly like in this document, it is possible that configuration files aren’t located exactly like us.


I recommand you to create a folder where you will download all the required files:

mkdir ~/OpenSILEX

Web service folder

Get source from GitHub, directly from the phis-ws development repository:

cd ~/OpenSILEX
git clone

Preferably, get the source from the last release at phis-ws/releases (for example, use git clone --branch 3.0 if you want to install the release 3.0).

Web application folder

Get source from GitHub, directly from the phis-webapp development repository:

cd ~/OpenSILEX
git clone

Preferably, get the source from the last release at phis-webapp/releases (for example, use git clone --branch 3.0 if you want to install the release 3.0).

Ontology files

Get the source from GitHub, directly from the ontology-vocabularies development repository:

cd ~/OpenSILEX
git clone

Preferably, get the source from the last release at ontology-vocabularies/releases (for example, use git clone --branch 3.0 if you want to install the release 3.0).

Database file

Download the database dump file opensilex_st_dump.sql.

2. OpenSILEX PHIS Installation

MongoDB database

You only create a connection to a collection. Run MongoDB:

sudo mongod --config /etc/mongod.conf

Run Robo 3T:


Create a connection:


Configure your connection:


Create your database: Right click on connection name -> Create Database -> enter a name (phis in this document).

RDF4J Ontologies

Go to http://localhost:8080/. You are in Tomcat server home page.

Click on Manager App, connect with your Tomcat user (a default user is configured in the home/tomcat/apache-tomcat/tomcat-users.xml configuration file).

Search rdf4j-workbench in the list, if isn’t running, click on Start)

Click on the rdf4j-workbench link.

Click New repository and complete as in the picture:


Click Next and check if is corresponds to this:


Click Create.

You will do these steps many times:

Now, Click Add in the Modify submenu.


Click on the button next to RDF Data File in order to select a RDF Data File.

Select the oeso.owl file downloaded previously from the GitHub repository ontology-vocabularies.

Add it in the context <> with base URI and context fields (check the box “use base URI as context identifier”). Fill the field Base URI with a value of the form <base-url-of-your domain>/vocabularies/oeso. For example, the development team in Montpellier uses the base URI Please use another one if your install your own version of OpenSILEX, for instance https://www.<your-institution-name>/vocabularies/oeso.

In the Data format field, select RDF/XML and then click on Upload.

Repeat this operation with the oeev.owl file downloaded previously from the GitHub repository ontology-vocabularies, with the Base URI (and context) of the form <base-url-of-your domain>/vocabularies/oeev.

Add also a new context for the Ontology Annotation (with the RDF Data File oa.rdf downloadable here and with the Base URI value

PostgreSQL database

Connect to Postgre:

sudo -i -u postgres

Create the opensilex user

Start the SQL editor:


Run the following commands:

CREATE USER opensilex;

Create the database

We recommand to name the PostgreSQL database with your experimental installation’s name. Create the PostgreSQL database with the following command:

CREATE DATABASE <experimental_installation_name> OWNER opensilex;

Exit the SQL connection:


Create the PostGIS extension

Connect to the database with the opensilex user:

psql -U opensilex -h -d <experimental_installation_name>

and enter opensilex’s current password azerty when asked.

Finally run these commands to create the extension:

select postgis_full_version();

If you have an error connecting to the phis user (+ FATAL: authentification peer:), see Errors with PostgreSQL in the error section.

Exit the SQL editor:


Set up the database

Download the template dump file from this documentation opensilex_st_dump.sql (make sure you download it in a folder where you are fully owner - like the /var/lib/postgresql/ folder - because of PosgreSQL ownership issue when importing data).

Import data with :

psql -U opensilex -h <experimental_installation_name> < /var/lib/postgresql/opensilex_st_dump.sql

With specific access rights, you can get a dump from the demonstration version:

# from postres server
pg_dump -O -U opensilex <experimental_installation_name> > opensilex_st_dump.sql
# -O : --no-owner
# -s : only schema
# -h <IP> : postgres host
# -U <user> : user

If you need to generate a MD5 password, you can use:

 echo -n bonjour | md5sum

Initialising Users

To start using or trying OpenSILEX PHIS, two users are created automatically:

Check the OpenSILEX PHIS user documentation for more informations about users (eg. adding other users).

Web Service

To deploy a web service with Tomcat, you need a war file.
To generate a war file from a project, the easiest solution is to use Netbeans.


Create directories for images and layers:

mkdir -p ~/opensilex-ws/documents/instance
sudo mkdir /var/www/html/images
sudo mkdir /var/www/html/layers
sudo chown -R <user>:<user> /var/www/html/images
sudo chown -R <user>:<user> /var/www/html/layers
sudo chown -R <user>:<user> ~/opensilex-ws/documents/
sudo chmod -R 775 /var/www/html/images
sudo chmod -R 775 /var/www/html/layers
sudo chmod -R 775 ~/opensilex-ws/documents/

Open project

Run netbeans:


Netbeans frequently meets error when he starts. If you have an error please go to the common error section. Make sure that you have correctly installed Netbeans and linked it to java (see the Netbeans and JDK section above). When Netbeans starts, open the phis2-ws project located in the phis-ws GitHub project.

If problems are detected in the project: click right on the project name -> Resolve problems -> Resolve.
If problems can’t be resolved like that please go to the common error section.

Configuration Files

You don’t need to edit your configuration files specifically with netbeans, you can use a classical text editor (nano, vim, gedit…) to edit them.

Maven profiles are used to generate war files with different configurations.

Three profiles exists by default:

Specific profile configurations are defined in the file which is located in phis2-ws/src/main/<profile name>/.

Netbeans users: configuration files are located in ~/OpenSILEX/phis-ws/phis2-ws/src/main/profiles {profile name}.

Profile could be used with the following command line (-P option) from a terminal opened at ~/OpenSILEX/phis-ws/phis2-ws :

mvn install -Ptest

With no -P option, dev profile is used.

If you use netbeans to deploy war file in the Tomcat server, the default port is 8084 but in this document we choose to deploy ourselves our war files so the port need to be the Tomcat service port 8080.
The choice of deploying ourselves our war files is justified by the universality of the procedure. Netbeans is heavy and some pc can have difficulty to run it and other softwares at the same time. Using Netbeans enables you to deploy more quickly.


Every time you use the localhost address, you need to use the IP address and not the name localhost.

Edit the file of the dev profile (you have to adapt values between < >). You need to change the port with the value chosen for Tomcat (in our case 8080):

# MongoDB configuration

# PostgreSQL configuration

# RDF4J Configuration

# Webservice configuration
ws.updir.user=<Linux session name>
ws.updir.password=<Linux session password>



Generate WAR file

When all configuration files are correctly set up you can generate the .war file: right click on the project’s name -> Build with depedencies. The .war file is generated in <phis-ws git repository>/phis2-ws/target/phis2ws.war.

Every time you will change source files, such as the configuration file, you will need to generate and deploy once again the .war file.

Deploy war file

Copy the WAR archive into the Tomcat webapps folder (replace <> with the right phis-ws git repository and the Tomcat version):

cp <phis-ws git repository>/target/phis2ws.war /home/tomcat/apache-tomcat/webapps/phis2ws.war

Check web service

Your web service is directly deployed. You can check that at (it is necessary not to use localhost).

On the Tomcat server home page, click on Manager App and connect with the Tomcat user.
Search phis2ws in the list (if it isn’t running, click on Start) and click on the name /phis2ws.
You are now on your web service! if it is correctly set up, you have 2 operationnal links.

Note </br> You can directly go on the web service with the URL

To check if you have correctly set up your web service :

The Response Code you get should be:


Otherwise, please go to the common error section.

Web application


The web application deployment is done by Apache2. You have to copy the webapp folder (downloaded from OpenSILEX/phis-webapp) in the Apache root folder (in our case /var/www/html).

sudo cp -r <Git folder>/phis-webapp /var/www/html

Change the permissions of this folder:

sudo chown -R <username>:www-data /var/www/html/phis-webapp
sudo chmod 775 -R /var/www/html/phis-webapp

Note</br> www-data is the default Apache2 username. But in rare case it can be different. You can check the value of APACHE_RUN_USER it in the /etc/apache2/envvars file to be sure.


To deploy the web application in localhost, it isn’t necessary to open it with Netbeans:

To deploy in localhost it isn’t necessary to open webapp with netbeans , you only need adapt configuration files so you can use classical editor.
Netbeans users:
Open the webapp folder with netbeans, like a php project.

open project -> /var/www/html/phis-webapp -> open
Configuration files are in: phis-webapp -> Source files -> config
Other users:
Configuration files are in: /var/www/html/phis-webapp/config


If you are all exactly doing like in this document, it’s the only configuration file you need to change. But you can check other configuration files: compare paths and URL with information written in web services configuration files.


Go to your webapp folder:

cd /var/www/html/phis-webapp

Run composer update:

composer update --ignore-platform-reqs

It takes some time.

It may end in error telling that a PHP package is missing. In this case, install this package:

sudo apt-get install php-<name of the package given by composer>

Re-run composer update. It may end again in error like previously.

Repeat the steps until it ends successfully.

You may need to change some owner and permission properties of the new files:

sudo chown -R <username>:www-data /var/www/html/phis-webapp
sudo chmod 775 -R /var/www/html/phis-webapp

You should now have an operationnal OpenSILEX PHIS application on your localhost! Go to and test it by logging in.

If you have any problem, please check the following Common errors section.

In the future, to start OpenSILEX PHIS in Localhost, you’ll only need to run apache-tomcat service. You can also create an alias using this command :

alias phis='apache-tomcat/bin/;xdg-open http://localhost/phis-webapp/web'

3. Common errors

Problems with Netbeans

Some ressources are not found or accessible. Check rights on files/folders in ~/.netbeans/8.2.

ls -l ~/.netbeans/8.2

To run Netbeans, the owner of all files/folders should be the your username. You can fix it with:

sudo chown -R <username>:<username> ~/.netbeans

Netbeans need also the user to be able to read and write all the files in the folder:

sudo chmod -R ug+rw ~/.netbeans

Netbeans doesn’t find your JDK installation. To fix it, check if you have indicated the correct JDK folder to Netbeans in the ~/netbeans-8.2/etc/netbeans.conf file (line 57). If the error persists, your JDK installation may haven’t been done correctly. Uninstall JDK and use this procedure to reinstall.

Issues with Composer

If you have installed Composer with apt from Ubuntu packages, please uninstall Composer (consider deleting the cache and the configuration files in the ~/.cache and /etc folders) and reinstall Composer with this procedure, or the official one :, using the following install-dir and filename options :

php composer-setup.php --install-dir=bin --filename=composer

If it doesn’t fix the problem, please check the composer troubleshooting page.

Errors with PostgreSQL

Edit file /etc/postgresql/9.5/main/pg_hba.conf and change the line 90:

local all all peer


local all all md5

and restart the service:

sudo systemctl restart postgresql

Edit the /etc/var/postgresql/9.5/main/pg_hba.conf file. You need to adapt the values with the correct IP address:

hosts all all <ipaddress> md5

Edit the /etc/var/postgresql/9.5/main/postgresql.conf file and edit the line:

listen_addresses: '*'

and restart the service:

sudo systemctl restart postgresql

Errors with the web service

In Netbeans, right click on the project name -> Resolve problems.

If it detects plugin problems, I recommand you to fix them yourself with the menu : Tools -> Plugins. If it appears to be another problem, you can try to fix it with the Resolve button.

But if the problem persists, it probably comes from a modification in a project file. You can try to find it, to reopen the project or to remove all the OpenSILEX web service files and reload them).

Recheck paths and ports in the web service file If all was done exactly like this:



# Adresse de sauvegarde des donn\u00e9es
uploadFileServerUsername=<linux session username>
uploadFileServerPassword=<linux session password>

Your database is inaccessible or is wrongly set up. Check your PostgreSQL server with nmap or any tool for port management. If PostgreSQL isn’t running, restart the service:

sudo systemctl restart postgresql

If the service is running but you still have an issue, it comes from the configuration files. Check paths, URLs and ports in the file and check the URLs, ports and database name in the opensilex_sql_config file.

If all these configuration files are correct, it probably is an error in your database.

Errors with the web application

If your web browser can’t access to the home page, it may come from the permissions on the web application files in /var/www/html/phis-webapp. Check the permissions with the ls -l command line and make changes if something is wrong. You must have all files set up as follows:

owner: <username of your session>
group: <www-data or the name of you apache user>
rights: rwxrwxr-x  

To set the files up correctly with the right permissions, run the following commends:

sudo chown -R <username>:www-data /var/html/phis-webapp
sudo chmod -R 775 /var/html/phis-webapp

It can be

In your configuration files, check the URLs and ports. With psql, check if your database isn’t malfunctionning.

If you get an error GitHub API limit (60 calls/hr) is exhausted... during the installation of Composer, you need to connect Github and get a Personal access token (see

Other problems with the webapp and the web service

In lots of cases, problems come from configuration files. Check every informations in these files.

When you modify a web service configuration file, you have to rebuild and redeploy the WAR file. Consider to remove the old version in the Tomcat webapp folder before copying the new version.