Developping a new BrAPI service
You can see BrAPI documentation in
Return new call informations in the Calls service
The service Calls returns information from every Phis web services which are BrAPI compliant. So when you create a new BrAPI service, in order to retrieve your call information in the calls service, you need to follow these instructions:
- Your class NewBrAPIResourceService must implement the interface BrapiCall to override the method callInfo() where you can give your new call information (name, datatypes, methods and versions).
You can follow the code example below.
public class CallsResourceService implements BrapiCall {
final static Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CallsResourceService.class);
- Overriding BrapiCall method
- @date 27 Aug 2018
- @return Calls call information
public Call callInfo() {
calldatatypes = new ArrayList<>(); calldatatypes.add("json"); ArrayList callMethods = new ArrayList<>(); callMethods.add("GET"); ArrayList callVersions = new ArrayList<>(); callVersions.add("1.1"); callVersions.add("1.2"); Call callscall = new Call("calls", calldatatypes, callMethods, callVersions); return callscall; } ```
- You have to modify the class phis2ws/services/ and add the line
inside thenew AbstractBinder(){}
register(new AbstractBinder() {
protected void configure() {
// create the session from the last sessionId received
// Session injection thanks to the type defined in SessionInjectResolver
.to(new TypeLiteral<InjectionResolver<SessionInject>>() {
//Brapi services injection